Searching for Lithuanian Relatives

I am looking for anyone who may be related to or has knowledge of the Marcelonis, Kazakevicius, Kazakavage, Kopochus, and Remas families that lived or do live in the Greater Pittston Area of Pennsylvania. They originally came to America from the Pasventupys, Pakuonis, and Taurakemis Regions of Lithuania.

I am also trying to get a picture of Mike Kazakavage (Died 1935) who lived at various times in Pittston, Sebastopol, Jenkins, and Inkerman during the 1920s and 1930s and also owned saloons there.

Do you know of anyone who has old pictures of saloons from 1890 to 1940 that were owned by Lithuanians in the Greater Pittston Area? Mike Kazakavage may be shown in these old photos.

I am also very interested in any old pictures (Pre 1950) of sports events or athletes from Duryea in hopes of finding family members in them.

I have a large number of church records from 1800 to 1910 of Lithuanians who came to the Greater Pittston Area. If you would like me to try to find your family names, please let me know. (NO CHARGE)

If you have any information that can help, please CLICK HERE to email me.

Any help at all is greatly appreciated. Even if you have an idea of where we can search, that would be of tremendous value also, so please CLICK HERE to email me..
